De la Enciclopedia Colchagüina
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mw.loader.load('', 'text/javascript');
$(document).ready(function() {
(self.SWG_BASIC = self.SWG_BASIC || []).push( function(basicSubscriptions) {
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// ocultar mw-pt-translate-header para los anónimos
mw.loader.using( [ 'mediawiki.user' ], function ( ) {
if ( mw.user.isAnon() == 1 ) {
mw.util.addCSS( '.mw-pt-translate-header {display:none}' );
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/* Cualquier código JavaScript escrito aquí se cargará para todos los usuarios en cada carga de página */
* Collapsible tables; reimplemented with mw-collapsible
* Styling is also in place to avoid FOUC
* Allows tables to be collapsed, showing only the header. See [[Help:Collapsing]].
* @version 3.0.0 (2018-05-20)
* @source
* @author [[User:R. Koot]]
* @author [[User:Krinkle]]
* @author [[User:TheDJ]]
* @deprecated Since MediaWiki 1.20: Use class="mw-collapsible" instead which
* is supported in MediaWiki core. Shimmable since MediaWiki 1.32
* @param {jQuery} $content
function makeCollapsibleMwCollapsible( $content ) {
var $tables = $content
.find( 'table.collapsible:not(.mw-collapsible)' )
.addClass( 'mw-collapsible' );
$.each( $tables, function ( index, table ) {
// mw.log.warn( 'This page is using the deprecated class collapsible. Please replace it with mw-collapsible.');
if ( $( table ).hasClass( 'collapsed' ) ) {
$( table ).addClass( 'mw-collapsed' );
// mw.log.warn( 'This page is using the deprecated class collapsed. Please replace it with mw-collapsed.');
} );
if ( $tables.length > 0 ) {
mw.loader.using( 'jquery.makeCollapsible' ).then( function () {
} );
mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).add( makeCollapsibleMwCollapsible );
* Add support to mw-collapsible for autocollapse, innercollapse and outercollapse
* Maintainers: TheDJ
function mwCollapsibleSetup( $collapsibleContent ) {
var $element,
autoCollapseThreshold = 2;
$.each( $collapsibleContent, function ( index, element ) {
$element = $( element );
if ( $element.hasClass( 'collapsible' ) ) {
$element.find( 'tr:first > th:first' ).prepend( $element.find( 'tr:first > * > .mw-collapsible-toggle' ) );
if ( $collapsibleContent.length >= autoCollapseThreshold && $element.hasClass( 'autocollapse' ) ) {
$ 'mw-collapsible' ).collapse();
} else if ( $element.hasClass( 'innercollapse' ) ) {
if ( $element.parents( '.outercollapse' ).length > 0 ) {
$ 'mw-collapsible' ).collapse();
// because of colored backgrounds, style the link in the text color
// to ensure accessible contrast
$toggle = $element.find( '.mw-collapsible-toggle' );
if ( $toggle.length ) {
// Make the toggle inherit text color
if ( $toggle.parent()[ 0 ].style.color ) {
$toggle.find( 'a' ).css( 'color', 'inherit' );
} );
mw.hook( 'wikipage.collapsibleContent' ).add( mwCollapsibleSetup );