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Nota: Los contenidos de esta página se encuentran bajo la licencia CC0, y han sido importados desde MediaWiki.org. Estas páginas están disponibles aquí a modo informativo, y puede que algunas se encuentren en el idioma inglés. | ![]() |
The special page Special:Undelete is for wiki administrators to browse the revisions associated with deleted pages (so called deleted revisions).
To view this page you will need the deletedhistory permission. If you also have the browsearchive permission, you will additionally be able to search for deleted pages. Note, browsearchive does not imply deletedhistory.
The text of the deleted revisions will only be viewable with the deletedtext permission.
Finally, you can restore deleted revisions with the undelete permission. Note, undelete implies deletedtext (as you wouldn't want to restore text you couldn't see.)
For completeness, it is perhaps worth mentioning that the undelete permission alone isn't sufficient to restore a deleted page, you additionally need the deletedhistory permission, which, unlike deletedtext, isn't implied by undelete. This is probably a bug, however.